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Volume 7 (2023)

Modeling of loads on the anchoring of suspended monorail roads during the transportation of large-tonnage cargo

Leonid Shyrin1, Andrii Herasymenko1*

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author:


Based on the results of research into the operational performance of suspended diesel locomotives when transporting large-tonnage cargo, it was established that the conditions of interaction of the rolling stock with the arch fastening of the mine workings and the rocks containing them must be considered comprehensively, as an interacting transport and technological system. According to the program and methodology of comprehensive research, it is recommended to carry out the task, which is not traditional for the industry, in stages. At the first stages, the parameters of the interaction of the rolling stock of the suspended diesel locomotives with the monorail bed were studied in typical conditions of the mine environment with traditional schemes of fastening the elements of the transport system to the metal arches of the frame-anchor fastening of the formation preparatory workings. At the second stage, in order to increase the operational performance of suspended diesel locomotives in difficult (atypical) mining and geological conditions of maintaining the technical condition of reservoir workings, it was recommended to additionally fasten the monorail stave to the roof of the workings with the help of second-level anchors. It has been proven that during the intensification of cleaning and preparatory work, reasonable technical and technological solutions meet the requirements of timely preparation of new excavation pillars and are considered as a promising direction for improving the current schemes of auxiliary transport for the mines of the region and ensuring the operational parameters of mining transport equipment of a high technical level in the specific conditions of the mines of Western Donbass.

Keywords: anchor fastening, arch fastening, high-tonnage cargo, dynamic loads, auxiliary transport, solidworks simulation

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