Volume 7 (2023)
Increasing the efficiency of using coal mine degassing systems
Rostislav Yegorchenko
Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
*Corresponding author: yehorchenko.r.r@nmu.one
With the constant growth of the depth of development of coal deposits and the length of mine workings, gasification of workings increases and the risk of methane explosion increases. Ensuring the safety of miners and the continuous technological process of coal extraction due to constant monitoring of the amount of methane content in underground mining workings of coal mines within the established norms is possible due to the synchronization of the ventilation, degassing and gas extraction systems. Increasing the efficiency of degassing systems is possible due to: calculating the design parameters of the degassing pipeline and choosing vacuum pumps, taking into account the influence of the hydro- and thermodynamic features of methane-air mixture (MPS) transportation on the operating modes of the degassing system, reducing the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline network by using district gas pipelines made of composite materials and ensuring the tightness of underground vacuum gas pipelines. The increase in the efficiency of gas extraction systems is possible due to: ensuring stable operation of the fans of gas extraction units, normalized regulation of air supply to the mixing chamber of the gas extractor; changes in the design of the mixing chamber, which should ensure high-quality mixing of MPS; constant monitoring in real time of the methane content in MPS at the exit from the mixing chamber. The proposed directions for improving the efficiency of the use of degassing systems of coal mines, as well as the use of new technical solutions for the design and operation of the underground vacuum gas pipeline will ensure the effectiveness of their work, the corresponding design.
Keywords: degassing, hydraulic resistance, underground vacuum gas pipeline, methane-air mixture, composite pipeline
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