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Volume 7 (2023)

Improving the quality of coal within limited geometric parameters of mining workings

Andrii Pererva

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine



The paper presents the results of analytical research and literature analysis aimed at identifying directions for technological improvements to enhance the quality of underground coal within limited geometric parameters of mining operations. Improving the quality of extracted coal in thin seam mining is essential for maximizing the efficiency of mining operations while adhering to environmental standards. This study explores the feasibility of various techniques and technologies to ensure coal quality despite limited financial resources by reducing the ash content of the final product. Technological enhancements applicable during mining include in situ pre-enrichment using specialized devices located in preparatory workings and surface interventions. Among other technologies, selective extraction, coal blending, and refining methods for processing final products are analyzed. Additionally, the economic feasibility and environmental implications of implementing these measures are investigated. The conclusions emphasize the importance of employing tailored approaches to enhance coal quality within the restricted geometric parameters of mining operations, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of mining enterprises and meeting the demands of the energy sector.

Keywords: coal mine, preparatory working, selective extraction, regression equations, ecological and economical parameters

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