Volume 7 (2023)
Experimental studies on the possible use of carbon fibre-reinforced plastics for support structures
Yevhenii Tsivka1*
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
*Corresponding author: evgeniy.tsivka@ukr.net
The article presents an analysis of the possible use of arched carbon fibre support to prevent uneven distribution of rock pressure around the preparatory workings. Based on the analysis of the stability of mine workings in Western Donbas mines, it is concluded that the support system needs to be modernised by introducing new structural materials. The article proposes to use carbon fibre reinforced plastics for roof supports, as they, due to their high physical and mechanical characteristics, taking into account the geometric shape, are able to ensure the stability of the workings and be safe for miners during installation and dismantling. Based on the analysis of laboratory tests of an equivalent laminated array on a press made of PLA and carbon fibre, the dependence of deformations of the equivalent array with increasing load was obtained. Based on the results of the experiments, a rational arched composite support for the difficult mining and geological conditions of the mines of Western Donbas is proposed. The obtained results allow us to outline further research, which will be covered in the following works of the authors.
Keywords: mining workings, stability of the working face, layered massif, carbon fibre-reinforced plastic, rational parameters
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