Volume 6 (2022)
Calculation of parameters of pneumatic hammers with low
air consumption
Volodymyr Antonchik1, Konstiantyn Zabolotnyi2, Valentyn Hankevich2*,
Oleksandr Pashchenko2, Sergii Minieiev1, Viacheslav Kiba2
1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
The article presents the physical processes and mathematical calculation of a new design of
pneumatic impact machines that implements certain thermodynamic cycles of compressed air
expansion in the chambers of pneumatic impact machines. It is shown that a low consumption of
compressed air is achieved due to the fact that after acceleration of the striker at the stage of isobaric
expansion of compressed air from the supply line, there is no stage of its adiabatic expansion with
subsequent exhaust into the atmosphere (as in known designs of pneumatic hammers), and after the
impact of the striker on the drill bit compressed air is supplied to the return chamber, where, in the
process of isobaric expansion of air, the striker accelerates in the opposite direction and after the
compressed air supply is stopped, its adiabatic expansion follows, the return of the striker to its original
position and the exhaust of the compressed air remaining in the return stroke chamber.
The working and return strokes of the striker in various thermodynamic cycles of compressed air
expansion are determined, and a method for calculating the movement of the shut-off valve is also
given. Sketch drawings of a new design of a down-the-hole hammer have been made.
Keywords: pneumatic hammer, hydraulic hammer, impact energy, drilling, striker
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