Volume 6 (2022)
Processing bulk and rod materials in air and fluid
Stanislav Felonenko1*, Olena Trofymova1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
Significant reduction of processing time, fuel storage and electric supply, as well as
product quality improvement, decreased costs for maintenance and environment protection and heat
transfer process intensification can be obtained by applying vibrations to process bulk and rod
materials by heat treatment. This paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the vibration
machine dynamics under diverse types of working body vibrations and drive quantity. Based on the
results of differential equation solutions, amplitude parameters of the steady-state oscillations of the
machine working body have been obtained by moving the working chambers points considering the
installation angular oscillations. It has been established that the amplitude of the point vertical
oscillations is equal to the amplitude of the wheel oscillations of the installation gravity centre. To
determine rational parameters according to the requirements of the processing materials technology
appropriate vibration trajectories of the vibration machine points have been obtained. The design of
the vibration device allows adjusting the oscillation amplitude and the trajectory nature of the
installation working body points in a wide range.
Keywords: rod or bulk material, motion kinematics, processing, vibrating machines, vibration
trajectories, liquid, or air environment
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