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Editorial Board


Volume 6 (2022)

Peculiarities of the formation of transport and logistics schemes for the delivery of large-tonnage cargoes to assembly chambers and preparatory pits

Leonid Shyrin1, Andrii Herasymenko1*, Pavel Dyachkov1


According to the results of an expert assessment of the peculiarities of the formation of highly adaptive transport and logistics schemes for the delivery of large-tonnage cargoes to assembly chambers and preparatory shafts, it was established that for the specific conditions of the mines of Western Donbas, the most promising options are the use of diesel suspended monorail roads in a complex with the integrated system "PAKOD". According to experts, it is recommended to use rail diesel locomotives with a toothed gear as an additional type of transport for accelerated preparation of the excavation column and putting the bench into operation. New approaches to improving the methods of choosing rational means of auxiliary transport and determining their operational parameters for timely preparation of excavation pillars for clean extraction in conditions of intensification of mining operations are substantiated. A transport and technological scheme for the delivery of large-tonnage cargo by suspended diesel monorail locomotives and a methodology for calculating the expected loads on the suspensions of the monorail road, taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of the mining rocks of the roof of the preparatory work, are proposed. It has been proven that in the conditions of intensification of cleaning works, the recommended technical solutions meet the requirements of timely preparation of new extraction pillars and are considered as a promising direction for improving the current schemes of auxiliary transport for the mines of the region and ensuring the operational reliability of the existing mining transport equipment.

Keywords: crushing anchoring, assembly and dismantling works, auxiliary transport, diesel locomotive, expert assessment, heavy cargo, lifting and transport system, preparation of excavation pillars.

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