Volume 6 (2022)
Modelling of geomechanical processes with energy-saving
technology of thin and ultra thin coal seams extraction
Oleksandr Kuz’menko1*
1*Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
The article examines geomechanical processes in the extraction of fine and ultrafine coal,
with the help of which effective energy-saving technologies are formed using high-performance means
of mechanization and ensuring the safety of mining operations. Influential mining-geological and
mining-technical factors that determine the need to use energy for coal mining according to the accepted
technology at the excavation site with the pillar system of coal seam development are given. On the
basis of the factor analysis of the influencing factors, a model for determining the rational parameters
of geomechanical processes in the case of mechanical destruction is proposed coal seam and
management of the massif of mining rocks in relation to the energy costs for the technological processes
of the destruction of the massif and its loading and transportation, as well as for the processes
accompanying the safety regime of coal mining at the treatment area. The article proposes to use the
energy indicators of the efficiency of the destruction of the coal seam with the appropriate tools when
equipped with the excavation organs of mining machines, where the energy of the mechanical
destruction of the massif of rocks is directly reported. The justification of the energy intensity is given
coal production from the depth of development, the intensity of mining operations and their main
technological parameters at the mining site. Less important are gas density and drainage from the massif
of mining rocks in the zone of influence of clean extraction of the coal seam.
Keywords: geomechanical processes, energy efficiency, clean extraction of coal
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