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Volume 6 (2022)

Determination of the possibility of obtaining energy raw materials from industrial waste by fine vibro-impact classification

Oleksandr Shevchenko1


The article presents an analysis of the amount of energy raw materials in man-made waste (coal sludge) and the possibility of their processing with the help of new developments. Based on the analysis and practical experience, it can be concluded that the problem of their processing is the need to take into account the significant dynamics of changes in raw material parameters as the most important factors influencing this process. Taken together, all these factors make it difficult for liquid and small particles to pass through the cells of the sieving surface, as a result of which it is not possible to effectively separate fine classes of size and reduce the moisture content of the final product to the condition standards. The work envisages carrying out activities aimed at studying the properties of the raw materials, and it is proposed to use the vibro-impact action, which allows creating an expansion of the spectrum of action both on the sieving surface and on the raw materials being processed, which allows for effective separation and dewatering of coal slurries. The paper presents the results of processing coal slurries using a vibrating screen. On this basis, the use of this device in the processing of man-made waste is proposed. The technological indicators of the proposed technical solutions are given. The given scientific and practical explanations allow us to outline further research that will be covered in the author's further works.

Keywords: man-made waste, coal sludge, fine vibration classification, dehydration, vibro-impact screening, energy raw materials

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