Volume 5 (2021)
Cast iron smelting in blast furnaces with the conical backfill with minimal coke losses
Anatoliy Golovchenko1 , Roman Dychkovskyi1*, Maria Dupliak1, Vasyl Shyshko1,
Iaroslav Shavarskyi2, Edgar Cabana3
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
2JARAD Recycling Technology Sp. z o.o., Sosnica, Poland
3Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru
The paper represents the analysis, which has helped determine the experience and trends in cast iron smelting in blast furnaces. Basing on the analysis of thermodynamic processes and practical operation of the furnaces during cast iron smelting, it can be concluded that such an environment is quite complicated for physical putting of sensors that could take into account the geometric shape of the charge. Thus, the article proposes to use the developed special devices for determining the geometrical parameters of iron smelting material in the furnace. The use of a gamma locator allows fixing the fluidized state of the charge on the furnace top bell. That makes it possible to keep almost horizontal surface on the charge after the next supply of the corresponding portion of material. The paper represents real values of parameterization of blast furnace operation. On this basis, it is proposed to adapt different ways of feeding the charge into the blast furnace to ensure more efficiently the smelting process. The economic indicators of the proposed technological solutions are given. The proposed tendencies make it possible to outline further issues to be highlighted in the following authors’ studies.
Keywords: iron ore, smelting, blast furnace, conical charging, coke, economic indices
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