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Volume 5 (2021)

Assessment of the influence of geotechnical factors on deformation processes in rock mass around mining

Oleksandr Solodyankin 1* , Kostiantyn Kravchenko 1 , Volodymyr Shapoval 1 , Oleksandr Prokudin 1 , Oksana Solodyankina1


The introduction of renewable energy sources is an unalterable global trend. However, transition process may take a long time in Ukraine. Coal is a reliable energy source for the country for this period. An urgent task for the near purpose is to increase the efficiency of coal mines, reduction the cost of coal, attraction of reserves in deep horizons. PJSC «DTEK Pavlogradugol» is large modern association, which conducts mining in the Western Donbass. The mines in this region are characterized by difficult operating conditions, which leads to a decrease mining resilience and many renovations. To increase the stability of capital mining extra activities are necessary. Article contains the results of deformation processes, which were performed at the Heroiv Kosmosu mine of the company «DTEK Pavlogradugol». A comparison of the data recorded at this stage of the research, and the results that were obtained in 1970-1980-s was done. It is shown that the intensity of deformation processes in mining has increased significantly over the last 40 years, which requires the fact when an evaluation of the degree of complexity of mining operation conditions, choosing the parameters of fastening and assigning extra activities.

Keywords: capital working, structural factor, skin grouting, shotcrete, rock mass strength

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