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Volume 5 (2021)

Cast iron smelting in blast furnaces with the conical backfill with minimal coke losses

Sergii Vlasov1* , Yevhen Moldavanov1


The article represents the results of modelling the gradual stope movement within a layered transversely isotropic rock mass containing waterlogged layers of roof rocks. The forecast was made within the section from the installation chamber for the displacement value up to 50 meters, with a spacing of 5 meters in eleven stages. Also, as a result of numerical calculation, a pattern of the stress-strain state around the moving stope was obtained. The simulation was performed in order to compare the magnitude of convergence, taking into account both the available and non-available hydrodynamic load. In terms of the development of coal seam C6 of Stepova mine, Pershotravneve Colliery Group, DTEK Pavlogradvuhillia PJSC, regularities of the distribution of lateral rock convergence in the longwall were specified depending on the present waterlogged coal layer being 0.53 m thick and occurring at the distance of 11.2 higher than the roof of the seam under development. The revealed regularities of the changes in convergence value will make it possible to predict the probable zones of rigid settlement of the powered support units along the longwall length at any stope position along the simulated area. The analysis of the results of numerical modelling will help take into account a factor of hydraulic load and optimize the parameters of coal seam development under complicated conditions of the Western Donbas mines.

Keywords: coal seam, hydrodynamic load, landing «on a hard base», layer collectors, longwall, sections of mechanized fastening, waterproof rocks

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