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Volume 5 (2021)

Determining the qualitative characteristics of raw materials of man-made deposits to consider the parameters of the composite fuel production technology

Oleksandr Haidai1*, Artem Pavlichenko1, Andrii Koveria1, Valeria Firsova1


The paper highlights the main aspects of the technology of obtaining composite fuel from the man-made raw materials that make up the deposits formed as a result of human production and economic activities. The data are given concerning the study of qualitative characteristics of raw materials of man-made deposits to consider the parameters of the composite fuel production technology. To determine the qualitative characteristics of raw materials of man-made deposits, the following is used: analytical and experimental analysis of particle size distribution (PS) – screen and sedimentation; chemical composition analysis – X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and technical analysis (TA); complex analysis including analysis and generalization of the scientific and technical achievements in the field of physicochemical effects on dispersed systems – electrokinetic and surface properties. Estimation of possible directions of complex processing and use of off-balance waste resources of coal beneficiation can be their accumulation at low temperatures and pressures without prior enrichment using low-ash waste chemical and pulp and paper industry as a composite and various additives to intensify fuel production, and without binders.

Keywords: industrial waste, technology, composition, fuel, lump, sludge, lignin, physical and mechanical characteristics, man-made raw materials

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