Volume 5 (2021)
Physicochemical model of the formation of
outburst-prone coal
Vаlerii Sobolev1*, Viacheslav Kulivar1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
TThe purpose of the paper is to substantiate a physicochemical mechanism of the formation of outburst zones in coal seams, possible causes and conditions of long-term “conservation” of the potential coal outburst hazard, and factors initiating the outbursts. The state of sudden outburst has formed in the mechanically activated system “coal-gas”. This state is conditioned by the system’s property to conserve high potential ability of coal with the stored excessive energy for active spread of mechanical and chemical destruction. The system “coal-gas” is characterized by unstable equilibrium of chemical condition between organic mass of coal and generated gas. If this condition is violated , the system is converted into the avalanche-like spontaneous transformation of a part of organic coal mass into gas. It is shown that the destructive processes in the organic coal mass can be initiated by both mechanical and electric actions. Moreover, destabilization and breaking of chemical bonds in terms of electric actions during the methane formation can be of the highest productivity. Thus, such factor as electric field can participate completely and affect considerably the process of formation of outburst coal properties.
Keywords: coal, outburst, mechanical activation, destruction, electric activation, methane stability, microstructure, phase transition
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