Volume 5 (2021)
Processes in the porous medium of the gas hydrate deposit
Ella Maksymova11*
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
It is proposed to use classical hydrodynamic and thermodynamic laws with elements of molecular physics to describe the processes occurring in the pore space of deep - water gas hydrate deposits. The uniqueness of a new hydrocarbon resource is shown, the development of which requires consideration of several research methods used in various scientific fields. The hydrate of natural gas distributed in the bowels of the planet Earth, the stability of which depends not only on the geological conditions of its distribution, but also on the processes and phenomena studied by such sciences as hydro- and thermodynamics, structural and regional geology, lithology, physical chemistry and thermal physics. In this regard, the author uses a set of methods used in the earth sciences. The described processes allow to form a physical and mathematical model of the gas hydrate field, which in the future will allow to regulate the parameters during their development.
Keywords: igas hydrate, natural gas, additional energy resource, hydrodynamic processes, World Ocean
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