Volume 4 (2020)
of ecological monitoringsystem of
metallurgical waste disposal sites using
gis and remote sensing
V. Kolesnik1, Yu. Buchavyi1 & K. Liasov1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2020
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To study the prospects for the use of Geoinformation systems and remote sensing technologies for assessing the volume of metallurgy waste and the environmental hazard of the surrounding territory.
The studies used field and laboratory research in combination with geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies, as well as an expert assessment method to assess the environmental hazard from the development of metallurgical man-made deposits [1-5].
The process of smelting cast iron and steel is accompanied by the formation of waste in the form of scrap, sludge, slag, remnants of refractory bricks, debris and dust [3-8]. It is established that the waste of the mining and metallurgical complex is accumulated as a result of many years of activity are sources of valuable raw materials resources, however, have a complex negative impact on the environment [8-14]. The structure of the GIS “Technogenic Deposits” was created in accordance with the solution of typical tasks. This system can serve as the basis for geoecological monitoring of technogenic deposits at the regional and national level. Methodological approaches to a comprehensive assessment of the level of environmental hazard from the impact of waste disposal sites of the mining and metallurgical industry are analyzed. A significant direction of promising research is the refinement of the dumps area taking into account the roughness of their surface using hyper-spectral images.
These studies were carried out within the framework of scientific researches on the topics GF-206 and GP-505 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Keywords: man-made mineral formation, metallurgical waste utilization, environmental safety, GIS, Remote Sensing, sustainable development
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