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Volume 4 (2020)

Research of possibilities for extraction of secondary resources from mining waste and mineral processing waste

A. Pavlychenko1 & O. Borysovska1


Substantiation of new methods and technologies of processing and enrichment of technogenic wastes and previously formed wastes of mining and metallurgical production [1-5]. The choice of areas of rational use of man-made waste from mining and metallurgical production must be performed on the basis of a comprehensive study of raw materials, as well as the analysis of potential consumers in the region of the producer.


It is planned to conduct a comprehensive research to study the content of valuable components in man-made formations of the mining complex with the subsequent development of modern technological lines for the extraction of useful components from waste and their return to economic use [6-10].


The problem of reducing the loss of minerals with waste of mining and processing of mineral raw materials is solved. The most acute are the problems associated with the rational use of subsoil and extracted minerals, extending the life of mineral deposits, reducing the loss of mineral resources at all stages of the technological process.

The selection of cost-effective areas and objects of geological exploration for the complex development of man-made accumulations of potential secondary raw materials in Ukraine will be made, which will reduce the cost of searching for new mineral deposits, preparation of natural raw materials for extraction of minerals and environmental measures in industrial areas. The development of these man-made formations will free up large areas of land, which are currently occupied by tailings and dumps, and return them to agricultural use.

Technological lines will be created that will provide a comprehensive rational use of resources of man-made formations with a focus on a particular sector of the economy. As a result of the conducted researches methodical recommendations and working algorithm of actions concerning development and realization of the project of reception of useful resources in the course of operation of technogenic deposits will be formed in the uniform of normative-reference document ("road map") [10-15].

They contain the researches, which were conducted within the project GP – 505, financed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Keywords: waste, coal industry, sludge, technological solutions, ecological safety

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