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Volume 4 (2020)

Analysis of manganese distribution of coal seam C5 of “Blahodatna” mine field

V. Ishkov1


Study of the spatial distribution of manganese in the coal seam C5 of the “Blagodatna” mine field and the establishment of relationship between its content and the main technological parameters of coal in the region.


For the purpose of determine the composition of geochemical associations, correlation coefficients (r) between toxic and potentially toxic elements contents were calculated. Elements in which the relationship between the content is described by a correlation coefficient exceeding 0.5 with a significance level of at least 95% were combined into a single geochemical association. During the calculation of correlation coefficients, all values of manganese concentrations were normalized.


In the C5 coal seam of the “Blagodatna” mine field the concentration of manganese changes in the range from 56.2 g / t to 157.3 g / t. The average value of the coal seam is 79.6 g / t. The accumulation of manganese does not depend on the depth, ash content and total sulfur content. Regionally the concentration of

There is a high inverse correlation between the manganese content and the thickness of the coal seam (r = -0.764), a weak direct relationship with the ash content of coal (r = 0.45), a direct very weak relationship with the total sulfur content (r = 0.191) and inverse with the depth of the sole of the coal seam (r = -0.099). Linear regression equations:

Mn = 0,4473-0,4497 × m; Mn = 0,123+0,3925 × Ad;
Mn = 0,1796+0,1663 × Stotal; Mn = 0,252-0,0594 × h
Based on the obtained results of statistical processing of geochemical information and analysis of constructed maps, as well as the conclusions of previous works, it can be assumed that the accumulation of the main part of manganese is primarily the demolition of its main part from the Ukrainian crystal shield in the central part of Donbas.

Keywords: mine field, correlation, manganese, coal seam

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