Volume 4 (2020)
Cavitation processes in
well drilling
Ya. Femiak1 & O. Fedyk1
11Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
2Drohobych College of Oil and Gas, Drohobych, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2020
- Full text (PDF)
Studies of energy distribution at different frequency ranges in the process of propagation of cavitation-pulsation action on an array of rocks found that the maximum value of energy is realized at the pulse repetition frequency and the more pronounced the more cavitation bubbles.
We have formalized the general problem, which is reduced to the choice of technological solutions to intensify the destruction of rock, taking into account the frequency distribution of energy from the peeling of cavitation bubbles at the bottom of the well.
In addition, as the number of bubbles in the cavitation pulp increases, there is some shift in the resonant frequency of the maximum energy transmitted to the rock mass in the direction of decreasing the frequency. The established pattern is observed at other distances from the source of cavitation perturbation of the flow.
The optimal sizes of cavitation bubbles as the main optimization parameter were experimentally established. Graphical dependences are constructed, which allow to estimate the growth of the sizes of cavitation bubbles from the change of pressure difference and the density of the washing liquid, as well as the ratio of the sizes of the cavitator nozzles. It is determined that the optimal pressure drop for flushing fluids is the limit from 4 to 4.5 MPa, the ratio of the diameters of the nozzles of the cavitator should not exceed 1.67, because there will be a rupture of fluid flows with internal hydraulic shock. The possibility of cavitation destruction has been experimentally confirmed on the example of such rock samples as sandstone, limestone, dolomite and marble. The obtained results have a clear practical significance, which lay in the development of methods for practical calculation of cavitation-pulsation optimization, which is to substantiate the influence of design parameters of pulsating devices on the formation of cavitation processes during drilling and recommendations for improving the drilling tool.
They contain the researches, which were conducted within program IFNTUNG “Scientific and organizational principles of building domestic oil and gas production and diversification of energy supply resources to increase energy Security of Ukraine”.
Keywords: idrilling tool, cavitation-pulsation mode, cavitation bubble
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