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Volume 4 (2020)

Substantiation into parameters of the conveyor transport system in the main cargo flow at the mine under conditions of mining works intensification

Ye. Koroviaka1 & T. Lubenets1


Substantiation of parameters of the conveyor transport system of the main cargo flow of the mine in the conditions of intensification of mining works, which are determined by the actual cargo flow in the coalfaces and on the basis of objective calculation.



Improving the efficiency of mines is one of the main tasks of the coal industry.

The decision of this question is connected with concentration of mining works at mine, development and improvement of underground transport.

Due to the intensification of mining works and the increase in the load on one coalfaces, coal mines with high-performance coalfaces have now been developed, in which conveyor transport systems of the main cargo flow are used.

The analysis of the work of these mines shows their insufficient efficiency, which is associated with the uneven cargo flow and the use of irrational parameters of the conveyor transport line.

Research has shown that to increase the efficiency and reliability of mining enterprises it is necessary to use the optimal parameters of conveyor transport lines. They must be determined by the actual cargo flow in the coalfaces, taking into account the influence of the speed of transportation of cargo.

Keywords: concentration of mining works, cargo flow, unevenness, conveyor transport line, speed of transportation

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