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Volume 4 (2020)

Мanadium in the coal seam С10b of the dniprovska mine (western donbass)

P. Pashchenko1


The research of peculiarities of vanadium distribution in the coal seam С10b of the Dniprovska mine and establishment of connections of its content with the main technological parameters of coal.


Peculiarity of the research was the impossibility of direct observation of geological processes. In this case, the consideration of their dynamics is traditionally performed by comparing statistics and analysis of cartographic materials regarding the distribution of chemical elements in the objects under consideration.


The research of toxic and potentially toxic elements (including vanadium) is a very important component of determining the environmental impact of coal mining companies, as well as coal-fired power plants. The concentration of vanadium in the С10b coal seam of the Dniprovska mine varies in the range from 6.08 g/t to 47.84 g/t, with an average value of 21.03 g/t. The vanadium content does not depend on the depth, ash content of coal and total sulfur content. Regionally, its concentration is increasing in the south-western direction.

The practical significance of the obtained results is to construct forecast maps and calculate the regression equations between the vanadium content and the main technological parameters of coal.

Keywords: vanadium, toxic elements, coal seam, enrichment zones

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