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Volume 4 (2020)

Advanced technology for rock disintegration using plasma energy

Bulat Anatolii1, Osenniy Valentin1 & Dreus Andrii2


Presentation of efficient approach to hard rocks disintegration using a low-temperature plasma jet.


The study of plasma technology was carried out by real field experiments and laboratory research.


Specialists of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine developed the technology of well reaming by the thermal method using a low-temperature plasma (3000-3500 °C temp of jet). The electric arc plasma generator with gas-vortex stabilization of the direct-current arc of power 150-200 kW was developed as a working tool of the new-generation mining machine. The technology was successfully tested in the real ore-mines of Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine) ore bass.

The studies of the IGTM of the NAS of Ukraine found the basic requirements for the abovementioned technology, which provide high efficiency of this method. The mechanism of the process of thermal brittle fracture of the hard ferruginous quartzites and associated rocks of high hardness and abrasiveness has been studied in ore fields of the mines. It is proved that the thermal (plasma) method is feasible during destruction of hard rocks and associated rocks with the hardness of ƒ =16-18, 20 and more according to Prof. М.М. Protodiakonov scale of hardness at the varying metasomatism. The theoretical fundamentals of rock disintegration process under plasma impact were proposed.

The successful results of technology application make it a promising on future growing worldwide.

Keywords: plasma technology, hard rock disintegration, well reaming

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