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Volume 4 (2020)

Destruction of rocks by non-explosive destroying mixtures in underground mining

Sakhno Ivan 1 & Kachalov Nikita1


Study of hydration kinetics of non-explosive destructive mixtures and dynamics of pressure increase of their expansion.


The first group of experiments was performed on an autodyne NMR spectrometer. Differential method of spectrum registration is used. The second group of experiments was performed in the laboratory on a triaxial compression unit.


It has been established the regularities of phase change of water in the solution of non-explosive destructive mixtures in the process of hydration that formed by the NMR spectrum of hydrogen and determined the effect of chemical additives on this process. Studies have established the relationship hydration step non-explosive destructive mixtures phase state solution and self-expansion, respectively, with the hardening system. It has been established that the hydration and hardening of self-expansion occurs differently in samples non-explosive destructive mixtures free state and restricting the volumetric changes.

The laboratory tests carried out have established the dynamics of growth pressure and volume of the non-explosive destructive mixtures from the moment of preparation before the end of recrystallization. Were identified features of non-explosive destructive mixtures in different stiffness cavity wall into which it is placed in different directions. The time of the beginning and the flow of the most active growth stage of self-expansion pressure, which is 2,5-2,7 hours. Maximum pressure of self-expansion in a set of zero strain was 52,5 MPa. The results of experimental and theoretical studies, taking into account sufficient accuracy for practical applications, can be used to determine parameters of the quasi-static rocks breaking by non-explosive compound during stratal mining.

They contain the researches, which were conducted within the project 0117u004316, financed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Keywords: non-explosive destroying mixture, expansion, hydration, stress, strain

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