Volume 4 (2020)
Some issues of the thin coal
explortion at jsw group mines
Dychko Artur1 & Dupliak Maria2
1Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. (JSW Group), Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland
2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2020
- Full text (PDF)
Carrying out the research for application of the extraction technologies for thin coal seams at JSW Group mines at economically expedient level.
Applying the methods of mathematical statistics, as well as the assessment of existing technological solutions in mining, the possibility of technical and technological justification of the thin coal seams mining at an economically feasible level.
Global trends in the development of coal deposits show different approaches to standardization of reserves and the application of standards to their assessment. Today, in Poland, to thin seams are included reserves with formations less than 1.5 m thick. However, directly in this structures the significant reserves of coal in mines are concentrated. This means, that these reserves are defined as off-balance. So they are not economically feasible for extraction by existing mining equipment. At the same time, the practice of mining reserves, even with a smaller thickness, is quite widespread in other countries. In particular, in Ukrainian mines for a long period have been effectively mined the coal seams below 1.2 m. There are also other positive examples of mining equipment usage in such conditions. Therefore, the article considers the possibility of introducing technical and technological improvements for the extraction of off-balance reserves at JSW Group and other polish mines. Along with technical improvement, an economic assessment is conducted, which proves the validity of the proposed approaches.
The study was conducted as part of the individual researches of the author.
Keywords: mining, thing coal seam, technology, technical occupation
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