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Volume 4 (2020)

Analytical and experimental studies of the gradual-rotational flow of fluid in a vortex heat generator

Nikolsky Valeriy1, Yaris Vadim1, Alieksandrov Oleksandr1, Lobodenko Antonina1 & Ved Viktor1


Obtain the results of the hydrodynamics of translational and rotational motion of the viscous fluid flow in the working space of a vortex heat generator of variable geometry through analytical and experimental studies and analytically set the critical speed and pressure.


The studies were carried out by analysis of fluid cavitation methods and heating in different systems by performing analytical and experimental studies of the hydrodynamics of translational-rotational motion of a viscous fluid flow in the working space of a vortex heat generator of variable geometry to determine the required and critical velocities and pressures. Аccording the national plan for the development of mining and power energy sectors in Ukraine and means the improving generation technologies and wastes utilization for supporting the cheap fuel and energetic issues for suitable development and decreasing the quantity of bulks in the surface.


The article presents the results of the performed analytical and experimental studies of the hydrodynamics of the translational-rotational motion of a viscous fluid flow in the working space of a vortex heat generator of variable geometry critical velocity and pressure are analytically determined.

A distinctive feature of the vortex heat generator is the use of a vortex device of a certain geometry as a fluid flow vortex. The high degree of torsion of a stream of the heat carrier provides the organization of eddy currents in a working tract of the vortex heat generator with increasing speed and decrease in pressure.

During the translational and rotational motion of the fluid through the pipe, there are two areas of motion: movement along the annular gap between the radius of the pipe and the radius of the vortex rb, inside the annular gap. The fluid moves along the pipe with a velocity ωx and rotates with a velocity ωφ based on the preservation of the velocity moment.

A cylindrical cavity with radius rb is formed on the axis of the pipe. It is filled with air because the tube is connected to the atmosphere.

The exact solution of the equation of translational-rotational motion of a fluid is a difficult-to-solve problem that can be solved with considerable simplification. The influence of the vortex generation device on the relationship of the above parameters is investigated.

In translational-rotational motion in a pipe of variable cross-section, as well as in the implementation of useful external work (for example, associated with the generation of heat based on cavitation effects), a continuous transition through the critical speed is possible. This helps to reduce the pressure, enhance the effect of cavitation and increase the heat transfer process in the output device of the vortex heat generator, which determines the energy efficiency of its operation. In such way we improve the efficiency of the system work. It allows to insure motion process to reduce loses and to get the necessary economical effect.

The researches were conducted under authors own researches.

Keywords: vortex device, fluid hydrodynamics, streamline, rotary motion, momentum, pressure, critical velocity

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