Volume 3 (2019)
Indicators of coal industry in the context of the national economic security
O. Ashcheulova1, V. Lapko1 & A. Lapko1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2019
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To rate the main factors and indicators of the national economic security, in particular the degree of the country’s provision with primary natural resources which determine the global energy consumption trends.
Analysis of components comprising the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine in view of survivability and heuristic algorithm for finding economically feasible reserves. The problem of finding the optimal flow distribution is solved by graphs.
Emergencies are ranked in the descending order of optimal flows in the normal mode, the sorting sequence is defined, which results in the optimal solution via a minimum number of the algorithm computational steps. A universal algorithm for the development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine has been designed. It was found that the vitality of integrated energy systems can be defined as the property to resist a large scale external disturbance, maintaining the ability to operate with acceptable performance and backup indicators. When considering large energy systems, the levels of the industry reserve can be reduced due to interchangeability of energy resources.
They contain the researches, which were conducted within the project GP – 501, financed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Keywords: fuel and energy complex, optimal flow distribution, performance indicators, emergency, industry reserve, energy consumption
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