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Volume 3 (2019)

Energy efficiency and energy policy in Ukraine

Yu. Pazynich1 & A. Kolb1


Energy efficiency, as a problem of fuel and energy complex, as well as the ability of the latter to provide the efficient functioning of the whole economic system, is one the determining factors of national economy of Ukraine.


The changes of the structure of national production, implementation of energy saving technology are mentioned as the way of the policy implementation, as this would lower dependence from oil and gas import and lead to economy stabilization and provide the conditions for energy safety of the country.


In Ukraine the level of energy efficiency is quite low for the national production, which is attended by the increase of price for imported gas. This has become one of the main reasons of crisis in Ukrainian economy in 1990-s and in turn affected the further deterioration of energy intensity of GDP (EIGDP). As opposed to the developed countries, where energy saving is a part of economical and ecological reasonability, the issue is the matter of survival for Ukraine, as the problem of balanced solvent consumption, both internal and FER import based is not solved yet. The problem of unbalanced home consumption of FER has extremely negative economical and social consequences, such as unsystematical provision of people in Ukraine with water and power supply; discrepancy in regulations and quality of heat supply; the fact that the competitiveness of national, too power-intensive products, is reached only by the significant decrease of labour costs; the process of constant destruction of the infrastructure of fuel-energy complex (FEC), as well as of that of utility enterprises of water and heat supply.

The high level of energy intensity and resources intensity is the negative characteristics of Ukrainian economy of the whole time of its reforming. Inefficient home consumption of FER results in significant – more that 50% - import of them, which causes high dependence on the countries exporters and thus is the issue energy safety of the country. But the prospectives of energy saving in Ukraine are considered as of 42-45% of quantity of consumed FER. Its implementation will enable improvement the situation of external energy dependence. The problems of balanced solvent consumption of import based FER is not solved yet of Ukraine. This touches the geopolitical interests of Ukraine as the tandem European country and thus Ukraine covers the main part gas demand as a payment for its transit. So, the factor of energy efficiency is one of the most important for the national economy of Ukraine. The general problems of FEC efficiency, as well as its ability to provide the resources for efficient functioning of economy in general are focused here.

The issues of energy safety is one the main condition for existence of Ukraine as an independent state. Improvement of control system for fuel and energy complex and energy saving process is among the important state purposes. Ukraine needs the changes of the structure of national production, implementation of energy saving technology; this would lower dependence from oil and gas import and lead to economy stabilization and provide the conditions for energy safety of the country.The issues of energy safety is one the main condition for existence of Ukraine as an independent state. Improvement of control system for fuel and energy complex and energy saving process is among the important state purposes. Ukraine needs the changes of the structure of national production, implementation of energy saving technology; this would lower dependence from oil and gas import and lead to economy stabilization and provide the conditions for energy safety of the country.

Keywords: energy saving policy, energy safety

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