Volume 3 (2019)
Solution of some geo-designing issues and development of mineral resources with underground method
V. Medianyk1 & M. Petlovanyi1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2019
- Full text (PDF)
According the United Nations Economic Commission in Europe, fossil fuels will remain a major component of the future global energy balance. The United Nations target is the sustainable development concerned affordable and clean energy, which has been the subject of debate created by EURACOAL in the European Parliament. All agreed that coal was used in all areas of the world during the transition to renewable energy sources in Ukraine, Germany, Turkey, India, China and other country-importer of coal.
The scientific importance of the work is the development of the scientific doctrine of new engineering solutions based on the method of operations research and the solution of multicriteria problems and the methodology of mining enterprises design of the 21st century in energy security and economy of the country. Prolonged restructuring is due to the development of the heat and power sector in the world in the concept of improving environmental problems associated with coal production. Timely renewal of the mine fund requires the design of new horizons for the comprehensive mining of already discovered mineral resources with significantly lower capital and operating costs.
Time Challenges in the conditions of the 4th industrial revolution are foreseen by application of the most advanced technologies and innovations at depths of 1000 meters within the work framework of the design and management system during the work at mineral resources extraction which will allow to optimize the need of energy and to automate production, using for this purpose virtual modelling for various modern scripts.
Keywords: underground extraction, design, planning, engineering solutions, innovations
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