Volume 3 (2019)
The introduction of digital models in mining operations
V. Horobets1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2019
- Full text (PDF)
Study and significantly simplify and speed up the geo-modeling process.
The studies were carried out through the justification of the use of information technology to assess reserves and draw contours of ore body sections.
The introduction of digital models and RT-technologies in the geo-exploration process allows to create integrated geographic information management systems, processes of search, exploration, mining and transportation of minerals, and also environmental monitoring with a clear reference to the area. This can increase the efficiency and intensity of geo-exploration, it's connected with the completeness of the studied deposits and their high-precision contouring and modeling.
Keywords: geo-modeling, digital models, mining operations
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