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Volume 3 (2019)

Principles of dividing an enterprise into subsystems and determining the indicators of technology performance

D. Maltsev1, O. Vladyko1 & S. Poymanov1


The purpose is to identify sets of indicators for each technology and their subsystems while extracting minerals by two technologies within the same mining enterprise.


To achieve the purpose, systems approach was used, which allows to take into account the internal factors of the enterprise operation under the influence of external factors. For this purpose, previous research and patent sources were analyzed and generalized; scientific and technical studies on dividing the enterprise into components, used for mining enterprises, are analyzed; sets of indicators that characterize the operation of mining enterprises are analyzed and defined.


The principle of division of a mining enterprise into technologies, that are currently working or ready for implementation, is considered; authors’ own approach to the formation of subsystems within each technology is proposed. Two different technologies were selected to divide the enterprise into subsystems and define sets of indicators for each of them. It has been determined that the number of subsystems for each technology is the same, at the same time they have their sets of indicators and parameters that operate under external influence. There is determined an optimal way to obtain information for sets of indicators in the subsystem guaranteeing operation of the enterprise. For this purpose, there was conducted the analysis of research by scientists studying an adjacent subject and identifying their sources of information. The information obtained allowed us to form individual sets of indicators for each subsystem. On the example of two fundamentally different technologies for coal extraction, they have formed indicators that allow performing a better assessment of the state of subsystems and forming a complete information model of enterprise operations. The resulting sets of indicators can be used for mathematical modeling of the enterprise operations.

Keywords: enterprise subsystems, development technology, underground development, technology compatibility, secondary technology, performance indicators

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