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Volume 3 (2019)

Development and implementation of technical and economic model of the potential of operation schedules of coal mines

Yu. Demchenko 1, V. Sulaiev1 & A. Lapko1


Purpose is to determine parameters concerning development of the perspective time program to extract reserves providing complete predictability of the progress of mining operations within the sequent areas of a mine field.


Algorithm, relying upon economic and mathematical model to determine values of basic parameters within the coordinate system of technical and economic potential of a mine, is the basis to form such an algorithm for the determination of a potential of operation schedule of a mine as well as strategic parameters of its implementation.


Analysis of functional relationships and correlation relationships between variables in the context of corresponding equations has helped determine new analytical dependences which, together with the available functional dependences between production characteristics of a mine, make it possible to develop a model to determine values of basic parameters of operation schedule of a mine. In this context, the obtained model is completed with additional restrictions, certain meanings of each variables and the problem solving is limited by Pareto set for the selected variables.

They contain the researches, which were conducted within the project GP – 501, financed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Keywords: operation schedules, production potential, economic indices, optimization model, Pareto rule

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