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Volume 3 (2019)

Developing principles for energy efficiency control at coal mines

N. Dreshpak1


Study the possibility of developing principles for energy efficiency control at coal mines.


The developed theory is based on regression analysis, which allows for division satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance, basing on statistical data on production output and the corresponding values of energy consumption obtained at coal mines in recent years.


This paper reports that by using regression analysis, the energy efficiency control at coal mines ensures accounting of structural and regime changes. Energy efficiency control validity on the basis of regression analysis is confirmed. The factors that determine control frequency and constant plan indicators duration are defined. A criterion that determines regression dependences substitution order is proposed. A degree of difference between actual and planned energy consumption is controlled. It is shown that in conditions characteristic of a coal mine it is desirable to focus on linear regression dependence.

The paper contains research, conducted within the project №0301106/10-7/125-У “Improving energy management systems”, financed by DTEK “Pavlogradugol” (Ukraine).

Keywords: energy efficiency, regression analysis, energy consumption, production output, control validity.

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