Volume 3 (2019)
Features of georeactor systems formation in the underground coal mine
P. Saik1, V. Lozynskyi1, Yu. Babii2 & V. Teodorovych2
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Chervonograd Mining and Economic College, Chervonograd, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2019
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Analysis of technical and technological solutions for the georeactor system formation based on the underground coal gasification technology.
This paper applies a systematic approach to research, the analysis and synthesis of new technical solutions in the context of the current problem. Complex research algorithm on the formation of georeactor systems on the basis of the mining enterprises is traced according to the developed of the structural and logical scheme of planned research. This makes it possible to divide the systems into subsystems and to solve various technical tasks in stages using their inherent methods.
Today, in the conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress development, mining regions of Ukraine have acquired the status of “depressed”. This situation is explained by the impossibility of the normal functioning of socio-economic and environmental processes in these regions. The development of underground space in the modern development of scientific and technological progress is increasingly faced with the problems of technological and operational safety, protection of man and the environment. In today’s context, the approach taken to the development of underground space in coal mines has several man-made hazards, environmental and man-made risks. The modern approach to the development of the coal mine is based on the principle of risk tolerance. It has the following requirements: no harm for human health, the inevitability of losses in natural ecological systems with a minimum of these losses, a real possibility of recovery, a balance between economic effect and environmental risk.
Coal gasification may be an alternative to conventional coal mining technology and provide a more complete energy recovery by converting solid fuels into gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons. Therefore, scientific and practical recommendations for the formation of georeactor systems in the underground space of coal mines, depending on the potential of enterprises and territorial location, will allow substantiating the rational energy-efficient parameters of conventional and alternative coal technologies in a sustainable and interconnected systems.
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