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Volume 3 (2019)

Efficiency of coal mining processes intensification

Ja. Shavarskyi1, V. Falshtynskyi2 & M. Potempa3


Analysis of technological solutions for the coal mining processes intensification during mining operations on thin and very-thin coal seams.


The basis of the investigation is a systematic approach, which includes the analysis of mining and geological and technical characteristics of the extraction wallfaces, its technical equipment and the dependence of management decisions as well as its consistency with prospective planning of mining operations.


In the conditions of rapid technological progress, all mining processes are being more and more automated. This allow to create a unified system of management decisions with compliance with safety rules while conducting mining operations while preserving all social and environmental components of the coal mining process.

An important task for us is to optimize the parameters of mining equipment based on the study of the physical processes of coal mining and processing. So the author of the work to increase the production and processing of coal substantiate the concentration of mining operations in the application of high-performance mining. The main indicator that characterizes the concentration of mining operations is the relationship between preparation and stoping operations. Their dynamic development depends, first of all, on the nature of the geomechanical stress fields formation around them. The distribution of zones of unstable geomechanical situation of the rock mass is directly dependent on the mining and geological conditions of the mineral deposit and the mining and technical factors of the coal mining process. The efficiency of high-performance mining equipment depends on timely forecasting of the geomechanical situation at the mining site.

Keywords: Coal, mining, stoping, intensification, extraction

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