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Volume 3 (2019)

Some aspects of world mining and power generation development

G. Pivnyak1, O. Shashenko1


Studying the current situation in the world coal mining and power energy generation authors make proposals of these sectors development in Ukraine on the base new technologies involving.


The studies were carried according the justification of mining and power energy generation technologies with the purpose of supporting the cheap fuel and energetic issues for national economy in ecology suitable way.


The article deals with the problem of choosing the coal mining and power energy generation strategy. This proposals basis on using the traditional and non-traditional technologies. The attention is pointed on investigation of world mining and energy generating trends. The factors of the economic and ecological justification for either extension or termination of the coal enterprises’ functioning are analyzed. The comparison of different indicators for energy generation based on coal combustion and the use of alternative energy sources is given. The concept of synchro-mining is proposed for more effective mining operation and extending the life cycle of coal mine territories is proposed. Some aspects are devoted to the utilization of the wastes in mining territories and solving the social problems of post-mining territories development

The researches were conducted within the project # 945-PU-ShUPt/050310-18, financed by PSC “DTEK Pavlogradvuhillia”.

Keywords: mining, energy generation, ecological and economic indicators.

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