Volume 2 (2018)
DOLGOV Alexader1 & DOLGOVA Iryna2
1National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», Dnipro, Ukraine
2Pridniprovs’ka State Academy of Building and Architecture, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
Study the stress state of composite prismatic bodies with biconnected
domain under torsion
The studies were carried out through the usage of the method of
the integral (potential) representation of the Airy stress function
For the considered boundary problem the Green function has been
constructed. The problem has been reduced to the integral equations, and this
affects the accuracy of the approximate solutions. The studies have been carried
out for the regions which boundaries do not fully coincide with the coordinate lines
of the original system that allows showing more saliently the advantage of the
method. Represented the results of the numerical implementation of the algorithm.
The analysis of the shear stresses has been carried out.
The researches were conducted within the project GP – 498, financed by
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Keywords: elastic torsion, stress, two-dimensional boundary problem, methods
of integral representation
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