Volume 2 (2018)
1Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine
2Zaporizhia National Technical University, Ukraine
3Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
Formulation and solution of the dynamic problem in rolling under the
conditions of a continuous broadband mill.
The solution of the linear wave equation is obtained using the
argument function method.
The dynamic problem in rolling under the conditions of a continuous
broadband mill is considered. During the period of metal capture by rollers, elastic
damped rotational oscillations of the main line of the working stand arise. It is
established that the dynamic excitation of the gripping cage is transmitted through
the rolling band to adjacent cells, causing dynamic reactions in the main lines. A
feature of this solution is the representation of the transfer of a disturbance from one
stand to the adjacent one in the form of a wave process in an elastic medium.
Consistently examined are the interactions of different systems: the roll is the focus
of deformation, the focus of deformation is the band in the intercellular gap, the strip
in the intercellular interval is the roll of the adjacent stand. The mathematical model
of the jogging action of the deformation focus on the strip is represented in the form
of boundary conditions for the wave problem. The solution of the linear wave
equation is obtained using the argument function method. Moving is a function of
not only time, but also coordinates, which allows estimating the damping of dynamic
processes in the band.
Keywords: nonstationary problem, interaction, damped torsional oscillations,
kinematics of the deformation focus, boundary conditions, advance
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