Volume 2 (2018)
KURPE Oleksandr1, KUKHAR Volodymyr2 & SHEBANITC O.3
1Metinvest Holding, LLC, Ukraine
2State Higher Education Institution “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Ukraine
3PJSC "ILYICH IRON AND STEEL WORKS", Metinvest Holding, LLC, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
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Development of technology of hot rolling coils using thermo-
mechanical controlled process for the wide-strip rolling mill and grade estimation
of coils.
Technology was developed and the first batch was produced
using thermo-mechanical controlled process and improvement in surface quality
was achieved via air cooling to a certain temperature.
There has been developed technology, and pilot batch of hot rolling
coils (6×1500 mm, steel grade S355MC) has been produced using thermo-
mechanical controlled process (TMCP) for the wide-strip rolling mill 1700. The
integrated technology for TMCP coil production (steel grade S355MC) has been
firstly developed for the rolling mill 1700 in accordance with EN 10149-2. Air
cooling for coils to 450°C after coiling has been firstly used in the developed
technology, which provides for decrease in air scale and improvement of surface
quality for the customers.
Keywords: thermo-mechanical controlled process, hot rolling coils, rolling
force, temperature conditions, technology
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