Volume 2 (2018)
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
Study the possibility of developing the technical and technological
justification of georadio location of minerals according the quantity and quality
characteristics of the concrete deposits.
The studies were carried out through the use special equipment
for justification the geometrical parameters and the previous defining of reserves of
mineral deposits according the change of the thermal and radio properties of them
The technical and technical efficiency of using the georadar in the
exploration of mineral resources and their further development is considered. Technical and technological parameters of special equipment which make the work
of the georadar more effective are offered. With the help of georadar sensing, it is
possible to research the mineral resource parameters from surface and give the
opportunity to investigate in detail the underground structure of mineral deposits,
which significantly reduces the costs of drilling monitoring and exploration wells.
Also, such works are very useful for further traditional and non-traditional mining
of mineral deposits. The resolution of the spatial coordinates obtained in the
proposed georadar reconnaissance method exceeds the existing geophysical
research methods, which allows us to find out the structure of the section of the
rockmass of its structure. The depth of research in this method reaches several
hundred meters. The data of the examination is recorded in files, which allows to
further study and differentiate the received materials with the use of modern
computer equipment.
They contain the researches, which were conducted within the project GP –
489, financed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Keywords: georadio location, statistic modelling, mineral deposit, economic
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