Volume 2 (2018)
MALTSEV Dmytro & VLADYKO Oleksandr
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
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Determination of technological parameters of leaching processes of
poor and extremely poor uranium ores by similarity theorems.
To achieve the purpose, the model based on the similarity
theorem is developed to determine the values of the parameters of processes
occurring in the rock ore during leaching.
The use of similarity theorems for simulation of the technological
process of extraction of minerals is considered. The list of parameters that
significantly influence the process of underground leaching of minerals is defined.
Using these parameters and fundamental physical and chemical laws, mathematical
functions that describe the processes behavior under these conditions are
determined. The obtained mathematical functions make it possible to develop a
computer model, which resulted in the prediction of the amount of extracted
concentrate with minerals from the ore mass with associated compounds. Also the
well drilling technologies were analyzed and their usage were examed according
concrete geological conditions. The obtained results of calculations showed a
change in the amount of minerals extracted from the rock mass depending on the
mass of the working agent, the volume of leached ore and the solvent percolation
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