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Volume 2 (2018)


BAIUL Konstantin1, VASHCHENKO Sergey1, KHUDYAKOV Alexander1 PROKUDINA Elvira1 & SOLODKA Nataliia2


Development of technical solutions for manufacturing and further use advanced roller press having advanced technological capabilities and increased resource exploitation.


Analysis of the designs of modern roller presses has shown that for today in the metallurgical and mining industry roll presses with a productivity of 0.5 to 100 t/h are used to produce briquettes from fine fraction raw materials that ensure the processing of a wide range of materials in the low and medium pressing pressures (up to 150 MPa).


Analysis of modern roller presses has shown that for today in the metallurgical and mining industry, roll presses are widely used. Their various modifications provide productivity from 0.5 to 100 t/h when processing a wide range of raw materials in the range of low and medium pressing pressures (up to 150 MPa). The analysis of constructive decisions of roller presses shown that the main tendencies in the development of modern presses are:

A new design solution for a press frame from three construction elements: drive frame, roller frame and rolls support frame proposed. Such a technical solution allows performing the press structure synthesis on a modular principle by rational combination of drive and the roller block components. Improved roll construction developed. It provides press high productivity and has high maintainability, reliability and operational resource due to: A hydraulic device to protect press from overloads up to 3000kN designed. This device has:

The screw prepressing mechanism was developed and tested in industrial conditions, which allows obtaining a stable process of compaction and production of quality briquettes from materials with small bulk density – 0.2 ... 0.6 g/cm3, which allowed expanding the technological capabilities of the roller press.

This publication is based on the results of studies that were carried out within the framework of the project under the agreement P7.9 - 2018 of the target program "Reliability and durability, structures, equipment and structures" (Resource-2), funded by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Keywords: roller briquetting press, hydraulic protecting device, screw prepressing mechanism

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