Volume 2 (2018)
MAMAIKIN Оleksandr, ASHCHEULOVA Oleksandra & LAPKO Anastasiia
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
The purpose of the article is to consider the possibility of regulating
the economic reliability of coalmining enterprises from the point of view of
identifying economic reserves of individual areas that impede improving the
efficiency of the enterprise.
The background of the paper involves the provisions of the theory of
features of optimization of coal mining enterprises dynamically. It is shown that the
estimation of the possibility of the operation of coal-mining enterprises in the
breakeven mode requires multicriteria optimization of the parameters of the
enterprise, that is, the determination of their limit values, the achievement of which
determines the necessary level and targeting of investments.
It is proved that the efficiency of the transition of a state coal-mining
enterprise to break-even should be evaluated in the field of compromise built on vector criteria. The answer to the question is which coal-mining enterprises should
receive additional load depending on the level of economic reliability.
Тhe article presents methodological approaches to the estimation of
internal economic reserves of state-owned loss-making coal-mining enterprises with
different levels of economic reliability. It is proved that the efficiency of the
transition of a coal mining enterprise to break-even should be evaluated in the field
of compromise built on vector criteria.
Practical implications.
The results of the studies may be used in future research
and practical developments in the sphere of formation of internal economic reserves
in the context of coal mining enterprises
Keywords: coal mines, modeling, state support, cost, price
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