Volume 2 (2018)
CHEREP Andrii, PILOVA Dar’ya & MORMUL Taras
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
Theoretical definition of the matter of stand-by condition of
production facilities at an open-pit and the development of technological
approaches to its implementation under the operation of flat deposits;
generalization of practical recommendations for meeting demand on mineral
The methodology of research is scientific substantiation of stand-by condition of
the fixed assets on the basis of the temporary stop of open-pit’s equipment, mining
workings and surface structure in accordance with the necessary preservation of their
working condition for the further exploitation due to the market demand for the
The special aspects of domestic open-pits on the exploitation of flat
deposits, which are characterized by large geometric parameters and production
capacity, are analyzed. This significantly increases the cost of production and makes
it impossible competing. According to the above, the technological scheme for the
mining of temporarily of stand-by condition of ore in the final extraction of reserves
is developed. In order to reduce the cost of overburden, due to the large parameters
of the production space of the open-pit, the technological scheme of separation of
the open-pit field into two parts of which one plot is temporarily under stand-by
condition, is developed. The required stability of the non-operating of open-pit side
and dump side is provided by the certain set of measures which are proposed by the
authors (by changing the parameters of the development system and organization
of mining and transport operations in the working area of the open-pit).
Keywords: mineral deposit, mining system of development, stability of dumps
and open-pit side, stand-by condition of technological facilities, production costs,
competitiveness, working area of the open-pit.
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