Volume 2 (2018)
GAYDAY Oleksandr & RUSKYH Vladyslav
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
- Phys. chem. geot. 2018
- Full text (PDF)
The ways of obtaining composite fuel by means of the technology of
development of technogenic mineral deposits are considered.
Rational parameters of the finished energy-efficient products are
substantiated as a result of research of adhesion-chemical technology of
development of technogenic deposits of minerals
The problems dealing with the restoration of natural resources, the
rational usage of natural resources, the resource saving, monitoring of the
environmental situation, environmental protection, waste recycling are enshrined in
the legislative acts of Ukraine, the decrees of the President of Ukraine, and the
resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. They are also reflected in state
and regional programs. Technical solutions which can help to obtain additional
coal extraction are needed because of the demand for coal in Ukraine. One of the
ways to solve the problems of effective power engineering is the production of
composite fuel from the secondary raw materials of coal mining and heat power
engineering, as well as the woodworking and agricultural industry. This research
has been carried out under the budget base, the program of "Scientific
substantiation of the methodological, technological, ecological and legal basis for
extracting useful components from technogenic deposits in Ukraine" (GP-482) at
the National Mining University, the Department of Underground Mining.
Keywords: rational parameters, technogenic deposits, composite fuel
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