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Volume 2 (2018)




Estimate the material and thermal balance for providing the chemical reactions in underground gasgenn according to physical spreads of their fluency


Statistical processing of experimental results of work of a stand installation from underground coal gasification and their adaptation to specific mining-geological conditions of their possible use.


The current methods of calculation of safety mining parameters for underground coal gasification are described and analyzed. The possibility of generator gas (methane, oxides of carbon and other) extraction in from coal deposits destruction is considered. Experimental data on the application of hydrodynamic impact on a gas-saturated outburst coal seam and reducing gasodynamic activity are defined. The technological schemes of providing the pipelines stability that includes emergency protection and monitoring in on-line regime are proposed. Also is proposed and examined on special test installation the utilization of mining wastes in closed cycle of gasgenn. To determine correlations of safety mining parameters are used the calculation and analytical method based on numerical definitions of rockmass deformations. The recommendations for physical and chemical coal destruction are done based on economical indexes and environmental protection.

Keywords: underground coal gasification, mining, mining-geological conditions

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